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2023 - The Year That Was

Places impact you for a variety of reasons. And the same place impacts different people in different ways. This is especially true when it comes to spiritual experiences, where every single person’s experience is unique. And personally, every spiritual experience is unique, the same person can have different deeply spiritual experiences at different places, at different times. This thought has emerged because of my own experiences over the years, but especially so this year, with different and unique experiences at various places I have visited recently. I began this year with a visit to Baroda (Vadodara) with friends. It was meant to be a relaxed trip, a touristy trip, with our sons. We enjoyed ourselves to the hilt, but the highlight of that trip was a visit to the Lakulisha temple at Pavagadh. It was the iconography of the temple that I connected with, and I spent a few hours simply lost in the details of the figures carved around the temple. There was an indefinable connect with

Ganesha Chaturthi - A tour of some Ganesha Pandals in Bombay

This year, I had planned to write a blog on all the 10 days of the Ganeshotsav, and take you along with me as I visited various Ganesha Pandals. However, all my plans came to naught when my internet conked off on the morning of the very second day. So, first of all, to all those who have left comments on my earlier blogs, I am sorry for the delay, but I have a lot to catch up with, and shall certainly reply to all of you soon.

Coming back to the Ganeshotsav, the pandals I visit are not the most popular ones – I certainly don’t have the patience to stand in the never-ending queues for the Lalbaugcha Raja or the Tilak Nagar Ganpati. In any case, there are plenty of photos of these Ganeshas on the net. I shall, however, like you to join me in my tour of some of the Ganesha pandals I normally visit – those near my house, as well as some others we have sentimental ties with.

Here is the first Ganesha we saw this year – this one is at thane – a new mandal, one that wasn’t there when I used to live there, but now is quite a popular one with interesting themes.

This year, the theme was the Ashtavinaya Temples in Maharashtra. Take a look.

A Nataraja at the entrance...

There are three Ganeshas we visit every year – and these are the 3 Ganeshas installed by the G.S.B. Seva Mandal at Wadala, SNDT and Kurla. While I was unable to take pictures at the second and third pandals, here are some of the first –

This is one of the richest Ganeshas in Mumbai, and all the ornaments you see on the idol are of real gold. This Ganesha is installed in the Ram Temple at Wadala.

I was introduced to the various Ganeshas of Matunga when I spent the 3 years of my college life there. I still have a soft corner in my heart for them, and as far as possible try to visit them every year. We started from the Ganesha next to Ruia College (My College!) and walked along the station road looking at all the Ganeshas on that road... Here they are……

This one is the Ruia Ganpati. This was the only one we saw with a social theme – this one was completely in Marathi – and focused on Indian achievements as well as the problems we face.

Here are a few more Ganpatis just down the same road...

A closer view of this last one...

The Matunga bazaar Ganpati had this beautiful exhibition of Ganesha drawings.

I especially liked these….

The crossword Ganesha…

And the Shivaji- Ganesha.

All these drawings have been made by a Mr. Rajan, who has his own blog. Check it out at

At the Matunga flower market, we encountered a procession of Ganeshas heading for immersion, and waited while the drum beating crowd passed along………..

The flower Market Ganesha...

and the revellers...

We ended our tour with the Pramanik Ganpati.

The roads were lit up, and added to the festive atmosphere. I remember, how, as a kid new to Bombay, I would yearn to see these roads lit up, but had to come here from far off thane, and could only visit these pandals in the daytime. Yet, what stands out till today is the memory of those much-looked-forward-to visits. It makes me take Samhith to all these pandals, hoping he too will have some wonderful memories like mine…..

There are many more beautiful Ganeshas in Matunga, but we had time only for these.

Next, you can look forward to some Ganeshas from my neighbourhood. Till then, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!


  1. Hi Anu,
    Thanks for giving information about ganesha sketches and about my blog.

  2. A collection of beautiful photos! Hope you enjoyed your visit.

  3. Anu.. thank you so much for taking us on the tour to see the Ganesha.. The year I lived in Mumbai, I visited so many... absolutely loved it and since then I love Ganeshji & the way Chaturthi is celebrated...

    So... am waiting for your next post.. and THANK YOU!!

  4. Wow - amazing photos and it is great to see some aspects of this wonderful culture. The colors are so lively!

  5. Rajan - it was a pleasure... i really enjoyed looking at your drawings..

    Mridula - we are enjoying ourselves, going from pandal to pandal.. 6 more days to go...

    Pat - great to hear that you like the festival too..... look forward to more..

  6. Thanks for the lovely tour and
    comments , Samhith must be really happy to see all those decorations :)

    Gam ganapathaye namaha!


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